A Most Intriguing Package

I received a wonderful surprise in the mail last week. Sent to me by a former class participant, the well-wrapped container held two mahogany seed pods—one closed and one open. The mahogany tree has evolved to create a serious package for its next generation—the pods are hard as rock, thick walled, and tightly sealed. When the time is right for them to release their winged seeds into the wind, the pods split open in five segments. Pods that fail to open simply fall to the ground – which is why it is ill advised to park a car under this tree. Fortunately for me, I enjoyed all of the beautiful benefits of sketching with none of the risks.

Tips and Techniques– I love doing pages like this, where I can study a single thing in multiple ways. I used a sepia 005 Micron pen for the drawing—a nice match for the brown of the pod—and then added watercolor. Even with a largely one-color subject, it’s important to look for the variation in hues and values. I used an underwash of yellow ochre, layers of burnt sienna and ultramarine blue, and a bit of alizarin crimson to lend a reddish tone to parts of the husk. I mixed burnt sienna with cobalt blue for the outside of the pod, along with some white gouache for texture. If you want to try something like this, I recommend picking a largely monochromatic subject and seeing how much variation you can get.

17 Comments on “A Most Intriguing Package

  1. Jean, you have no idea how much I look forward to and enjoy these gifts in my email! Thank you! They are informational and inspiring and BEAUTIFUL !

  2. what is the numbered plaque on the bottom right side of the illustration?

    • Kay- That is based on a museum label. The middle numbers are the date and I typically put my name and the place around the margin. In this case, I wanted to acknowledge the gift. I’ve been including it as sort of a graphic signature on my pages.

  3. What wonderfulness. The gift from a former student, the illustrations and the perfect amount of description (both within the illustrations and accompanying text). This deep dive approach into an element of nature play perfectly to my inner muse! Such a delight to find your post in my morning mail ….. just what was needed to refire my creativeness after a draining but exciting move into our new home! Thanks Jean!!!

  4. Thank you very much Jean! I enjoy all your newsletters and art work, and this is one of the most interesting! With all good wishes,Janice

  5. Really beautifully done. So many layers, including cobalt blue! Wonderful spread!



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  6. what a wonderful surprise to find in your mail! it looks like quite an adventure to discover all of it’s secrets. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.

  7. Exquisite! Love the drawings and all the details of your paintings. How thoughtful of a recent class participant to package and send the seed pods to you. We all benefit from that mailing! Thanks for sharing…..b

  8. Jean so wonderful to see your beautiful illustration of my favorite pod of the mahogany tree. I just love the way the delicate wings of paper thin seeds snuggle up together so perfectly inside the pod.

    As always love your handwriting illustrations and so honored to see my name on the art work of one of my favorite artist.

    Super excited to see my favorite pod made it in your Nature’s diary

    Thank you for your continued inspiration.

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