
I spent the entire afternoon yesterday hiking and sketching ephemeral wildflowers and ferns at Bartholomew’s Cobble, a nature preserve in Sheffield, Mass. What a treat! Bloodroot sprang from rocky limestone ledges, and Dutchman’s breeches, hepatica, and red and white trillium carpeted parts of the forest floor. My wildflower sketches remain unfinished, so I have only these fiddleheads unfurling by the banks of the Housatonic River to share. How I wish you could go there in person to see them for yourself.

New class coming up: Watercolor for Beginners, June 6 and 13– Learn the fundamentals and techniques you need to begin painting successfully. The class is geared for beginners and for those who may have missed learning foundational skills.

16 Comments on “Fiddlehead

  1. What fun! I love the range of yellowy greens, and the brown last-year’s stalks among them. And what a unique geologic location – I had to look it up, the names had me convinced it must be in England!

  2. The fiddleheads are beautiful, Jean! I love how you’ve used the power of suggestion by using a few gestural strokes to create the curls. Brilliant! What a wonderful place to hike!

  3. what a wonderful way to spend the day! The weather here in Wisconsin is due to clear up on Wednesday and I’m going to do the same. Thanks for a great idea.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful day with the ephemerals! Your fiddleheads are delightful — my favorite shape, the spiral. There’s something magical about the tight, amazingly folded leaves in the spiral that unfold so gradually into a fern! You’ve captured their spiral package so beautifully. I’ll have to keep practicing!

  5. Another feast for my eyes! I, too will have to check out this place.

  6. Wonderful fiddleheads – I love the way you captured these emerging ferns! I saw some tiny wood ferns on a guided hike last week, so no time to stop and sketch. I might need to go back and sketch them now 🙂

  7. What a wonderful hike that would have been. The names of the plants conjure up such lovely pictures, I enjoy them almost as much as your wonderful fiddlehead drawing!

    • Thanks Anna– It was a wonderful outing. Unfortunately, my paintings of the flowers didn’t turn out so well, so I’m glad I did the fiddleheads.

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